Rebuilding my website

Posted by Miguel Lopes on Mon, Nov 16, 2015
In Sem Categoria,

It has been about 2 years since my last update to this site, I have been invested in other projects but now I should be back to posting regularly. In the past this website served as playground to test my skills on a live server, pushing low server resources to the maximum and being able to compete against much more well equiped servers. Now I think I need a more presentable website, a place where I can redirect potential customers so they can learn more about me, and this is where we are.

For some time I published some news and content that wasn’t original or where I didn’t contribute in any other means besides publishing it, I intent to stop that. From now on I intent to share only my work or work where I contributed somehow.

The website is now on a different form, it had some dynamic bits like a contact form that was never used, and a comment system that I thought it wasn’t worth keeping only to maintain the website in its dynamic form. So I dumped the contact form, and I moved the comment system to disqus (a Javascript base comment system) and converted my dynamic wordpress blog to a static wordpress website.

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